Object Orchestra
The 'Object Orchestra' is a group of sound installations that use narrative sound to recreate the original transformation of industrial products and invite the audience to contemplate ways to interrupt the destructive impact of the capitalist cycle on the natural world. For example, how iron on Earth was brought by meteorites and turned into tableware, how dinosaurs were skilled by meteorites and transformed into oil, and how milk travels from cows to our dinner tables. The work achieves this by embedding audio within the installations.
Human often take pride in the belief that the industrial products we use are our own creations. However, these products such as plastics, metals, fibers, and paper were once a part of nature. These materials may have been dinosaurs roaming the forests, tall trees in the rainforest or crocodiles swimming in the rivers, etc. However, had their own metabolic trajectory, one day they died for various reasons, rotted, and eventually went back into the soil, supporting other organisms.Unfortunately, human capitalism disrupts this natural metabolic cycle and causes ecological imbalances.