Error Paradise
"Error Paradise" is a Video Game and VR experience. All 3D models in this game are generated by text to 3D AI. The protagonist, Zach, decides to abandon his real-life existence and relocate to a virtual island where everything is generated by AI based on his instructions to AI. Here, there is no deceit, conflict, or disturbance. No disease, pain, or death. No limitations of time and space. He finds squirrels holding pine cones, sofa with TV, and a piano with a piano bench—all seemingly idyllic. However, everything is riddled with glitches, biases, and absurdities. AI seems in a god-like role to mock the limitations of human language used for commands, as well as the many restrictive concepts from the real world (time, body, logic, experience), thereby toying with immigrants from the real world.
Nowadays, the advent of VR devices like Vision Pro has made the transition from reality to the virtual possible, and AI's text-to-3D technology enables the creation of high-quality models. In the future, AI might become the primary producer of 3D models. However, these models often come with glitches, misunderstandings, and even biases.
"Error Paradise" aims to explore the impact on our lives when AI has the capability to shape our virtual world. What will happen when errors start to influence our lives as we choose to immerse ourselves in a virtual world? Will we unknowingly live in a world full of Errors and biases if we isolate ourselves in this virtual realm?